Technology Claims
Carefully drafted contracts will enable you to avoid disputes in most cases. However, sometimes litigation is necessary in order to protect your intellectual property rights.
In addition, you may find yourself on the receiving end of a claim. We can advise and assist in the analysis of the circumstances giving rise to a dispute. BTO has advised on technology claims ranging from defective bespoke software to domain name disputes and also in relation to harassment on the internet by email, in chatrooms and on special interest forums.
We can identify the appropriate remedy such as Interdict, Damages, Orders for delivery up of infringing copies or possibly an action for recovery of evidence – a "dawn raid" – to ensure that your interests are protected fully by the courts.
Rapid response is an important part of our service. Speed and efficiency is achieved through the use of ADVantage, our in-house advocacy service. IT and IP litigation is handled primarily by Paul Motion, a Partner and Solicitor Advocate who is recommended by The Legal 500 for IT litigation.
Contact: Paul Motion, Partner T: 0131 222 2939