Helensburgh Office
BTO is a full service law firm offering expert legal services to businesses, individuals and families through the generations in Helensburgh, Lomond and the surrounding area for over forty years.
An independent and highly respected Scottish law firm, with BTO you will receive a friendly, personalised local service, whilst benefiting from considerable resources and services back up from our offices in Glasgow and Edinburgh.
In addition to our local knowledge, you will have access to over 100 specialist lawyers and an extensive range of business and personal legal services including:
BUSINESS: Charities, commercial property and real estate, construction, corporate, corporate crime, debt recovery, dispute resolution, data protection, employment law, Health & Safety and regulatory defence, insurance, leisure, hospitality and licensing, reputation management and defence and technology and intellectual property.
PERSONAL: Advice to Guardians, criminal law, family law, residential conveyancing, road traffic law, Power of Attorney and Wills, estates and succession planning.
Key BTO contacts in Helensburgh:
Court Services & Family Law: (Pre-nuptual agreements, Cohabitation, Children, Fertility/Surrogacy, Divorce, Separation, Civil Partnerships and Child Court Hearings)
Contact: Kirstine MacRae, Partner: krm@bto.co.uk / 01436 671 221
Wills, Inheritance Tax Planning, Asset Protection, Trusts, Power of Attorney, Incapacity and Executries
Bruce Battersby, Senior Associate: bba@bto.co.uk / 0141 221 8012
Karen Wooton, Senior Associate: kwo@bto.co.uk / 0141 225 5290
Gillian McClearn, Senior Solicitor: gmc@bto.co.uk / 01436 671221
Gregor Mitchell, Partner: gmi@bto.co.uk / 0131 222 2939
Corporate / Commercial Matters:
Contact: Jeremy Glen, Partner: jsg@bto.co.uk / 01436 671 221
Residential Property / Land, Buying, Selling, Re-mortgaging, Transfer of title
Contact: Jennifer Deegan, Associate: jde@bto.co.uk / 01436 671 221
Commercial Property Acquisitions / Disposals, Leases, Commercial Landlord and Tenant
Contact: Jane Steel, Partner: js@bto.co.uk / 01436 671 221
Contact BTO
Helensburgh: 77-81 Sinclair Street Helensburgh G84 8TG 01436 671 221