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GMC Workforce Report 2022: Recruitment and Retention, Supporting Doctors to Reach Their Full Potential and Improving Morale

21 October 2022

The GMC has published its Workforce Report, which intends to provide an overview of the strengths and weaknesses of the current set-up, and insight into potential issues in the future if work is not done now to tackle these concerns.

The Workforce Report outlines that growth in the UK medical workforce is increasingly being driven by international medical graduates (IMG) who, for the first time, outnumbered UK graduates joining the UK workforce in 2021.  The system is becoming increasingly reliant on IMGs. UK graduates joining the workforce rose by 2% from 2017, compared to a 121% rise in IMGs.

Cara Docherty

Cara Docherty

The GMC considers that, on one hand, this demonstrates that the UK workforce is attractive to IMG doctors, but it accepts that an insufficient number of UK graduates are being attracted to the workforce, and that there is a vulnerability in relying so heavily on IMGs continuing to join the UK workforce in these numbers. Additionally, the data shows that IMGs leave the UK workforce at a higher rate than UK graduates, so there is an existing instability.

The GP workforce has had the slowest growth of all registers over the last five years. This has coincided with a reduction in the proportion that work full time.  The report also demonstrates that a significant proportion of GPs feel stressed and overwhelmed with their workload.  The GMC advises that the roles and responsibilities of primary care teams must evolve. Specifically, they suggest reviewing the Performers List and considering the contribution of the SAS grade in primary care and looking at whether primary care career options for physician associates could be developed.

Burnout, stress, lack of flexible working arrangements and poor organisational and team cultures are cited as reasons for doctors leaving the profession. This message from doctors is not new, but it must be addressed in meaningful ways if retention rates are to be improved. 

The GMC report encourages a collaborative effort from employers, training bodies, legislators and regulators to address these issues. Doctors may be encouraged by the GMC undertaking to do its bit, which includes setting targets for fairer fitness to practice referrals.  It will be important for the GMC to demonstrate recognition that it, too, has a part to play in reducing doctors’ concerns about facing scrutiny from their regulator. 

The issues for the workforce are identified clearly in the GMC’s report.  There is now an opportunity to make positive changes to try to address the key issues and work towards creating an environment in which highly skilled doctors have the support and career development opportunities required to retain them in the service.

BTO’s Professional Discipline and Clinical Defence Team advises and represents doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals.  If you have any queries concerning professional discipline, practice or claims please get in touch. 

Cara Docherty, Associate: / 0141 221 8012

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