21 September 2018
We are proud to report that the ‘BTO Braves’ have indeed survived the “Super”.
A team of 8 brave BTO solicitors took part in the Spartan super race last Sunday morning in and around kinnoul hill Perthshire - an 8 mile race with 25 different obstacles.
Widely regarded as one of the toughest obstacle courses in the world, the team scaled 8 foot walls, jumped fire, jumped into mud pits, climbed ropes and lugged heavy tyres about the countryside all in the name of charity. Failure to complete an obstacle? 30 burpees…. Ouch!!
The team (Alastair Gillies, Clare Bone, Vikki Watt, David Cairns, Lindsay MacNeill, Alan Eadie, Lynne Cardow and Calum Sweeney) successfully raised nearly £2300 for Brightest Star.
There is still time to help the BTO Braves reach their £2.5k target, so if you have not yet donated, and are in a position to do so, you can access BTO’s JustGiving page here: https://www.justgiving.com/fundraising/btobrighteststar
Many thanks in advance.