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Should I Review My Will? Pt. 2 – Updating Your Will

16 February 2021

Last week, we discussed the importance of not only having a Will in place, but also the need to review and update your Will as life goes on. This included some of the pivotal life moments that may make an amendment to your Will essential. In this part, we will consider the best ways to amend your Will, whether minor or substantial changes.

Err on the side of Caution

15 February 2021

A defender in any litigation is mindful of protecting their position in relation to expenses. An obvious way to do this is lodging an early Tender (Part 36 offer). However, in cases where there is stateable defence on liability, there is likely to be no desire to pay the pursuer anything and a Tender is not an option. Another option would be to make a ‘drop hands’ offer, in other words the defender agrees to bear their own costs if the pursuer were to withdraw his her claim. Such an offer is infrequently accepted at the outset of a litigation.

Selling Services to the EU in a post-Brexit World

11 February 2021

The UK-EU Trade and Cooperation Agreement (the “Agreement”) concluded with the EU on 30 December 2020, ensures that UK companies can continue to access the EU market. While the Agreement sets out the level of access to each Party’s domestic market, there are important changes to be aware of now that UK businesses no longer operate under European Economic Area (EEA) regulations relating to cross-border services.

Should I Review My Will?

10 February 2021

With everything that 2020 threw at us, you may have wondered at some point, should I review my Will? You are not alone. Last Summer, UK studies found that 1 in 13 people had made or updated their Will during the early months of lockdown. It seems that succession planning was at the forefront of many peoples’ minds. However, the same study found that only 29% of people surveyed had an up-to-date Will in place which reflected their current intentions.

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  • G2 5HS
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  • Edinburgh
  • EH3 9QG
  • T:+44 (0)131 222 2939
  • F:+44 (0)131 222 2949

