Megan is an Associate in the Family Law team.

Megan has practised exclusively in Family Law since qualifying as a Solicitor in 2018.

She provides advice in relation to a wide range of family law matters, including separation and divorce, financial provision, cohabitation agreements, cohabitation claims, surrogacy arrangements and cases involving children including residence and contact orders.

Megan has also undertaken training that was organised by the Scottish Women’s Rights Centre regarding good practice when working with people who have experienced domestic abuse.

Megan is highly personable and delivers sound and pragmatic advice which is tailored to each individual client. She has been described by clients as having a “very diligent and precise approach” to cases.


  • Collaborative Lawyer

Legal Directory Rankings

  • Recommended Lawyer: Family Law (Scotland) – Legal 500 UK 2025.

Memberships & Appointments

  • Member of the Family Law Association.
  • Member of Consensus Collaboration Scotland.

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